Comprehensive Engine Cleaning Services in Ottawa

Your engine will look as good as new with an in-depth engine bay cleaning.

An engine so clean, you could eat off it

Let’s be honest. The last time you looked at your engine, you were likely disgusted by how dusty and dirty it was. Doing simple things like checking the oil may end with your clothes covered in grease.

Have you ever had your engine cleaned? If it’s been a while since the last time or you’ve never done it then your engine may not look its best. You may be learning about engine cleaning for the first time now. No worries. We’ll go over the basics and let you know all about it.

If this is the first time you’ve heard about this type of service then your engine may have a lot of grime and caked oil on it. This space is often overlooked because you generally don’t need to check it unless there’s an issue. As they say, ‘Out of sight, out of mind.’

This is exactly why a clean engine is so important. When you or your mechanic needs to inspect the engine due to a problem, a clean space means that it’ll be easier to find and fix the problem.

Not only is a clean engine bay extremely satisfying to see, it shows that you truly care about your vehicle. It also extends its life.

But, what good is a clean, well-dressed engine if your car’s exterior is caked in dust and dirt. This engine cleaning is best done as an add-on to the premium car wash. The engine detailing service is available only as an add-on to one of our other services. It pairs well with the premium car wash, car deep cleaning, or full car detailing service.

This is the engine detailing process:

  1. Pre-work engine bay Inspection
    Before the cleaning process begins, we scan the engine compartment for areas that may need protection or extra care. Check the engine to ensure that it is cold or just warm to the touch.
  2. Protect sensitive areas
    Cover sensitive components to shield them from excess moisture during the cleaning process. These components can include the battery, intake, wires, sensors, electrical parts, etc…
  3. Clear away loose dirt and debris
    Use a vacuum or compressed air to clear away any leaves, dust, loose dirt, bugs, and other debris.
  4. Cleanse the engine
    This is where we get down to business. Steam, detail brushes, an all-purpose cleaner, and towels work together to get rid of caked oil, dirt, and grime. Starting with the inside of the hood then moving on to the main engine compartment.
  5. Final touches and dressing
    The cleaning session closes out with a brief inspection and touch-up where necessary before dressing the engine to give it a beautiful shine.

Maybe you’re concerned with this service causing damage to your vehicle? It’s true that if an engine cleaning isn’t done correctly, there could be harm done to it.

However, that is unlikely to happen. Engines these days are more securely protected and watertight. With the correct tools and knowledge, your engine bay can be cleaned without fear of having an issue.

Man spraying car dash with cleaning solution

Engine Bay Detailing Pricing

Pricing may vary depending on the condition of your specific vehicle. Reach out to us to discuss the best cleaning plan for your vehicle.


Coupes and Sedans

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Trucks and SUVs

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Vans and Large SUVs

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Man cleaning the front seat of a vehicle with steam

Engine Detailing FAQ

Here are a few questions we’ve received about this service. If you don’t see an answer to your question, feel free to email us your concerns.

Is engine detailing necessary?

Yes, cleaning your vehicle’s engine bay is absolutely necessary. Keeping your car’s engine clean will make it easier for you or your mechanic to spot any issues that may affect your vehicle’s performance.
Also, maintaining a clean engine will prevent dirt, grime, and other debris from damaging your car’s engine.

How long does this service take?

In general, an engine bay cleaning can take 45 minutes to an hour to complete for a vehicle with an engine that’s been properly maintained.

For vehicles that haven’t had their engine cleaned in a couple of years (or it’s never been cleaned), the service can take two hours or more.

How often should I get this done?

This needs to be a regular part of the maintenance of your vehicle and needs to be completed every couple of months.

What does it mean to detail an engine?

Simply put, this process involves cleaning the engine with water, steam, and microfiber towels. Once it’s clean, we apply a dressing to make the engine look nice and shiny.

How long will my engine bay stay clean?

This all depends on your type of vehicle and how you care for it. Certain cars are tightly sealed which protects the engine from getting excessively dirty while others have open grilles that make it easy for dirt and grime to get into the engine.

Giving the engine a quick wipe down at least once a month will keep it in the best condition. This can be done whenever you wash your car.

Engine Bay Cleaning Before and After Photos

Ready to schedule your appointment?