Thorough interior car deep cleaning in Ottawa

Freshen up your vehicle with an exhaustive car interior cleaning.

Experience that new car feeling with our popular interior car cleaning service

Our interior car cleaning service will get your car looking better than the day you bought it. From the seats to the dash and everything in between.

All surfaces within your car will get a complete clean. Whether you have leather upholstery, vinyl, polyester, or another kind of car upholstery in your vehicle, it will get the care it needs to be restored to its best condition.

Maybe you have stains (yes, that includes removing salt stains from your car carpet) or lots of pet hair in your vehicle. We will take care of it all. Does that mean that we can remove every single stain from your vehicle? Not exactly. Although we’ll try to do whatever we can, some stains can be removed while others cannot.

Even the dirtiest car can be brought back to its former glory with a thorough deep cleaning from an experienced detailer. After cleaning multiple cars, our cleaning process has been honed to get the best results for you.

Does your car’s exterior need to be cleaned too? Then our full car detailing service may work better for you. It includes a comprehensive cleaning for your whole car, inside and out.

Man spraying car dash with cleaning solution

Here’s the step-by-step process we’ll use to deep clean your vehicle:

  1. Remove debris and other items
    Before your interior detail starts, we’ll prep the vehicle for cleaning by clearing out rubbish and any personal items you may have left in the car.
  2. Thorough vacuuming
    Your detailer will remove any loose bits of dirt and debris from the car’s interior (including the trunk and all hard-to-reach areas).
  3. Seat and floor mat cleaning
    The way we clean your seats will depend on the type of upholstery you have. But, no matter the kind, we’ll get it clean and fresh in no time.
  4. Disinfect and clean center console, dash, and panels
    Using steam cleaning for the vents and all surfaces in the interior kills germs. And, it cleans your vehicle without harmful chemicals.
  5. Cleanse mirrors and windows to a streak-free shine
    Every interior window and mirror is cleaned till it has a crystal clear, streak-free shine. Water spots and smudges are no more.
  6. Protection and finishing touches
    At the end of your detailing session, we’ll scan your car for areas that may need more attention or small touch-ups. We use high-quality products from trusted companies like Duragloss to ensure that all areas of your car are fresh and clean.

Your car may not look as dirty as some but germs, dust, and dirt from frequent use pile up quickly. An interior detail will give your car new life and keep it in good shape.

Remember, this is a thorough car deep cleaning, so it’s great for vehicles that haven’t had an in-depth cleaning in some time. If your interior is pristine, then you may be interested in a premium car wash for your vehicle. A premium wash gives your car an extensive exterior cleaning that’ll have it gleaming for weeks.

Basic Pricing

This simple pricing gives you an idea of the price range for this service based on your vehicle type. The actual price is based on size, condition, and type of vehicle you have.

To get the actual price for your vehicle, give us a call at 613-801-8025 to request a quote or send us an email.


Coupes and Sedans

$250 - $350


Trucks and SUVs

$300 - $400


Vans and Large SUVs

$350 - $450

Man cleaning the front seat of a vehicle with steam

Deep Car Cleaning FAQ

You may not be familiar with what goes into an interior car detail. That’s why we compiled this group of common questions. If you don’t find an answer to what you’re looking for, contact us.

How long does it take to deep clean a car interior?

This depends on the condition of your car. For an almost-new or average vehicle, it can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours to clean. But, if the condition is bad with a lot of wear and tear, a full interior cleaning could take 5 to 6 hours to make it look new again.

How much does it cost to deep clean a car?

The price for this service depends on a number of things. Our basic pricing for a medium-sized vehicle is between $300 and $400.

If your car has lots of stains or pet hair then it may require more time to clean. It’s best to call us so we can discuss exactly what you need. That way you’ll get a more accurate quote.

Can I drop off my vehicle at your shop?

Actually, no. Our services are 100% mobile which means that we come to you. We’ll come to your house, apartment or workplace. The only thing needed to clean your vehicle is ample space and access to both electricity and water.

Will my car seats be wet after you clean them?

Not at all! We use very little water to clean the interior. Using steam cleaning and other specialty tools minimizes the amount of water used. Although we don’t use a lot of water when cleaning the upholstery, everything still gets clean.

By the time the interior cleaning is complete, your vehicle’s upholstery will be practically dry. How dry it’ll be will depend on the weather and the seat’s material. For example, in more humid weather, it’ll take longer to dry.

My pet sheds a lot. Can you clean this?

Yes, this can absolutely be cleaned. We follow a set process that removes all pet hair from your car’s interior. Once your vehicle is detailed, you won’t even be able to tell that a pet has ever been in it.

Interior Car Cleaning Before and After Photos

Ready to schedule your appointment?